This study analyzed the scholar’s everyday representations of “rolezinhos”.
The emancipatory action research with teenagers between 15 and 17 years was adopted.
At the end of it differences between the representations of "rolezinhos" were found
within the group. After extending and discussing the phenomenon and relating it to the
relations of social classes, not all teenagers conceived the mediated ideology about
“rolezinhos” as truth. The emancipatory action research, despite of being a group
collection technique, proved to be relevant to capture the everyday representations.
Esse estudo analisou as representações cotidianas de escolares sobre os
“rolezinhos”. Adotou-se a pesquisa-ação emancipatória (PAE), com jovens entre 15 e
17 anos. Ao final da PAE, houve diferença entre as representações sobre os
“rolezinhos”, nem todos conceberam a ideologia midiatizada como verdade ao
ampliarem a discussão do fenômeno relacionando-o com as relações de classes sociais.
A PAE, embora técnica de coleta grupal, mostrou-se pertinente para apreender as
representações cotidianas.
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